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Views: 11,339     Votes:  5 
Tags: kernel   hard-drive  
Link: 🔍 See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: Block devices sda, sdb, sdc. What comes after sdz?
ID: /2017/01/06/Block-devices-sda_-sdb_-sdc.-What-comes-after-sdz_
Created: January 6, 2017
Upload: February 1, 2025    Layout:  post
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After sdasdz comes sdaasdaz, etc.

The first link in the accepted answer (from 2011) is broken. Here is a new link (also from 2011) containing a good write-up: How are Linux drives named beyond drive 26?.

To summarize the main point in the link (slightly revised and reformatted):

Drive # - Name
1	    - sda
26	    - sdz
27	    - sdaa
28	    - sdab
52	    - sdaz
53	    - sdba
54	    - sdbb
702	    - sdzz
703	    - sdaaa
704	    - sdaab
18278   - sdzzz

Needless to say Linux is well positioned for expansion of drives.

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