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Views: 3,118     Votes:  3 
Tags: 18.04   power-management   cpu   overheating   tlp  
Link: 🔍 See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: Power Management governor changes alone from powersave to performance
ID: /2018/08/29/Power-Management-governor-changes-alone-from-powersave-to-performance
Created: August 29, 2018
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Force to powersave speed governor

You are using sudo tlp stat -p to find out when the speed governor is set at performance mode. When this happens reset it to powersave with this command:

$ echo "powersave" | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_governor

Run tlp statistics again and ensure minimum frequency is normalized and no longer set at maximum frequency.

Keep running tlp to find out how often the governor is being reset to performance mode.

Keep searching for the program that is reseting the speed governor.

As a last resort you could:

  1. Setup a sleeping procedure to reset to powersave every x seconds.
  2. Setup a procedure that monitors the speed governor every second and reset it when it changes.
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