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Views: 5,229β€…    Votes:  3β€…    βœ… Solution
Tags: window-manager   awesome  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: Awesome WM - How do you set a hotkey to lock your system?
ID: /2018/08/30/Awesome-WM-How-do-you-set-a-hotkey-to-lock-your-system_
Created: August 30, 2018    Edited:  August 30, 2018
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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From Arch Linux How to lock screen with awesome window manager [SOLVED]:

I will also recommend xscreensaver, simply because it has ways of
letting you know when the screen is locked (it comes with a ton of
screensavers to chose from). To lock using xscrensaver, do this:

  1. Install xscreensaver (Ed: sudo apt install xscreensaver)
  2. Add xscreensaver -no-splash & to your $HOME/.xinitrc (Ed: This file doesn’t exist in Ubuntu Unity 16.04. In Startup Applications you add the command xscreensaver -nosplash)
  3. Make a keybinding in Awesome that spawns xscreensaver-command -lock. This will start the screensaver and ask for a password.

Suckless’ slock is rather small, but all it does is blank the screen
and wait for input. Input is not even echoed, you don’t see anything,
so you might as well have a locked box and not know it.

When you see (Ed: …) above, they are comments added by me and are not in Arch Linux answer

⇧ Configure screensaver in Ubuntu Power Management governor changes alone from powersave to performance  β‡©