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Views: 230     Votes:  2 
Tags: 16.04   upgrade   updates   lts  
Link: 🔍 See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ 🔗

Title: Should I now upgrade Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?
ID: /2019/07/09/Should-I-now-upgrade-Ubuntu-16.04-LTS_
Created: July 9, 2019
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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You can still get hardware upgrades on 16.04 by installing a newer kernel:

You would do this for example if you bought a new device to add onto your computer and the drivers for it were only on a newer kernel.

In fact since I’ve started using Ubuntu 14.04 and then 16.04 I’ve usually been running on a newer kernel than the distribution version offered. Partly to stay up-to-date but but mostly as a hobby of researching new kernel versions.

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