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Views: 303,997β€…    Votes:  18β€…
Tag : python  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Stack Overflow ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How to print out status bar and percentage?
ID: /2022/01/05/How-to-print-out-status-bar-and-percentage_
Created: January 5, 2022    Edited:  June 29, 2022
Upload: February 15, 2025    Layout:  post
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enter image description here

None of the answers posted completely addressed my needs. So I wrote my own as shown above. The features I needed:


How to Call the Progress Display

Calling the progress display is pretty straight forward. For the above sample .gif the function was called using:

percent_complete(step, total_steps, title="Convert Markdown")

The total_steps was about 2,500 for len(rows) in Stack Exchange Data Dump in CSV format. The step was the current row number as each Stack Exchange Markdown Q&A was converted to Kramdown (for GitHub Pages).

Python Code

The code is straight forward, but a bit longer than the other answers:

def percent_complete(step, total_steps, bar_width=60, title="", print_perc=True):
    import sys

    # UTF-8 left blocks: 1, 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8
    utf_8s = ["β–ˆ", "▏", "β–Ž", "▍", "β–Œ", "β–‹", "β–Š", "β–ˆ"]
    perc = 100 * float(step) / float(total_steps)
    max_ticks = bar_width * 8
    num_ticks = int(round(perc / 100 * max_ticks))
    full_ticks = num_ticks / 8      # Number of full blocks
    part_ticks = num_ticks % 8      # Size of partial block (array index)
    disp = bar = ""                 # Blank out variables
    bar += utf_8s[0] * int(full_ticks)  # Add full blocks into Progress Bar
    # If part_ticks is zero, then no partial block, else append part char
    if part_ticks > 0:
        bar += utf_8s[part_ticks]
    # Pad Progress Bar with fill character
    bar += "β–’" * int((max_ticks/8 - float(num_ticks)/8.0))
    if len(title) > 0:
        disp = title + ": "         # Optional title to progress display
    # Print progress bar in green:
    disp += "\x1b[0;32m"            # Color Green
    disp += bar                     # Progress bar to progress display
    disp += "\x1b[0m"               # Color Reset
    if print_perc:
        # If requested, append percentage complete to progress display
        if perc > 100.0:
            perc = 100.0            # Fix "100.04 %" rounding error
        disp += " {:6.2f}".format(perc) + " %"
    # Output to terminal repetitively over the same line using '\r'.
    sys.stdout.write("\r" + disp)

Python Code Notes

A few points:

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This answer is a bit longer than the others but it’s important to note it’s a full solution, not part of a solution that you need to add more code to.

Another point is this solution has no dependencies and nothing extra to install. The UTF-8 character set is supported by Python and gnome-terminal was no extra setup required. If you are using Python 2.7 you might require # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- after the shebang. IE as the second line of your program.

The function could be converted to a class with separate init, update, pause (for printing debug stuff to the screen), resume and close methods.

This function was converted from a bash script:

The bash script would display Sony TV volume with libnotify-bin (pop-up bubble message) whenever TV volume was changed. If you are interested in a bash progress bar, please visit the Stack Overflow link.

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Edit January 30, 2022

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