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Views: 1,643β€…    Votes:  3β€…    βœ… Solution
Tags: partitioning   text-processing   sort  
Link: πŸ” See Original Answer on Ask Ubuntu ⧉ πŸ”—

Title: How to change `lsblk` sort order?
ID: /2022/02/12/How-to-change-_lsblk_-sort-order_
Created: February 12, 2022
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I ended up writing a generic sorting function to solve the problem.

New lsblk sort order

$ lsdrv | sblk

NAME         FSTYPE   LABEL            MOUNTPOINT                    SIZE MODEL
nvme0n1                                                              477G Samsung SSD 960 PRO 512GB               
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p1  ntfs                                                    450M 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p2  vfat                      /boot/efi                      99M 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p3                                                           16M 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p4  ntfs     NVMe_Win10       /mnt/c                      363.2G 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p5  ntfs                                                    859M 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p6  ext4     New_Ubuntu_16.04 /                            45.1G 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p7  ext4     Old_Ubuntu_16.04 /mnt/old                     23.1G 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p8  ntfs     Shared_WSL+Linux /mnt/e                          9G 
β”œβ”€nvme0n1p9  swap                      [SWAP]                        7.9G 
└─nvme0n1p10 ext4     Ubuntu_18.04     /mnt/clone                   27.2G 
mmcblk0                                                            119.1G 
└─mmcblk0p1  vfat     SANDISK128       /media/rick/SANDISK128      119.1G 
sr0                                                                 1024M DVD+/-RW DW316  
sda                                                                931.5G HGST HTS721010A9
β”œβ”€sda1       vfat     ESP                                            500M 
β”œβ”€sda2                                                               128M 
β”œβ”€sda3       ntfs     HGST_Win10       /mnt/d                        919G 
β”œβ”€sda4       ntfs     WINRETOOLS                                     450M 
└─sda5       ntfs     Image                                         11.4G 

Bash script to sort lsblk output

It took a couple hours of googling different bash commands to make a solution. The bash script, initially called sblk, can be adapted for other purposes:

# Ask Ubuntu:
oIFS="$IFS"                         # Save IFS
IFS='|'                             # Use "|" as array delimiter
declare -a partiions=()             # Partitions array for a given drive

add_part () {
    line="$1"                       # Confusing parameter $1 becomes obvious
    part=${line%% *}                # get partition name, then get number
    key=$(echo "$part" | grep -Eo '[0-9]+$')

    # If length of number is less than 2, prepend "0"
    if [[ "${#key}" < 2 ]]; then
        key="0$key"                 # Prepend "0" to single digit

    line="${line:2}"                # Strip out tree character
    partitions+=( "$key$line" )     # Old line "β”œβ”€..." now array entry "99..."

sort_parts () {
    # Sort partitions array with sort key into new "sorted" array
    read -r -d '' -a sorted < <( 
        echo "${partitions[*]}" | tr "|" "\n" | sort | tr "\n" "|" )
    last_i=$(( ${#sorted[@]} - 1 )) # Last 0-based index in sorted array

    for ((i=0; i <= $last_i; i++)); do
        line="${sorted[i]}"         # Get array line at 0-based index
        line="${line:2}"            # Strip out sort key "99"
        if [[ $i -lt $last_i ]]; then
            echo "β”œβ”€$line"          # Print a line that is not the last line
            echo "└─$line"          # Print last line
    partitions=()                   # Empty partitions array for the next drive

# Main Loop
while read line
    if [[ "$first" == "β”œβ”€" || "$first" == "└─" ]]; then
        add_part "$line"            # Add special line to partitions array

        if [[ "$first" == "└─" ]]; then
            sort_parts              # Last partition. Sort and print array
        echo "$line"                # Simply print a regular line

done < "${1:-/dev/stdin}"           # Read from file $1 or from standard input

IFS="$oIFS"                         # Restore old IFS
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